Having a car with high mileage can be stressful, and secondhand cars can be a turnoff for potential buyers. We frequently associate a vehicle's mileage with its lifespan, assuming that automobiles will only last a set amount of time. The mileage on a car frequently symbolizes mechanical and physical wear, but it isn't necessarily an accurate representation of the vehicle's condition. In reality, with good care and maintenance, most automobiles may survive up to 200,000 miles, if not more.
Taking care of and keeping a dependable automobile rather than buying or leasing a new one every few years is usually always a wise financial decision. However, with used-vehicle prices more than 50% higher than pre-pandemic levels, it may be especially prudent to hold on to what you have.
Whatever your motivation is—saving money, the comfort of familiarity, avoiding the anxiety of new vehicle dents and scratches—keeping your automobile running may be a pleasant experience. In this blog post, we'll tell you what to expect as your automobile matures and how to keep it running for another 200,000 miles.
Choose a reliable car
The first step in bringing a car to 200,000 miles is to select the appropriate vehicle. Unreliable vehicles that are notorious for having difficulties and troubles may, of course, carry you as far as your wallet will allow, but the idea is to squeeze as much life out of one automobile as possible without breaking the bank in repairs and maintenance fees. You should begin by selecting a model with a strong reputation and a track record of dependability.
Do a regular maintenance schedule
Modern automobiles have computer systems that track how many miles you've traveled and display a light — commonly a symbol of a wrench — on your gauge cluster when servicing is required. This light usually shines when you need to replace your oil and filter, as well as rotate your tires.
Longer intervals, on the other hand, need more maintenance, which may be pricey. Rather than trusting the advice of a dealership service adviser, who frequently adds on unneeded repair items, study your maintenance plan to determine exactly what is required.
Change your fluids
Other fluids, in addition to oil and filter changes, should be changed at regular intervals, especially as your automobile approaches 100,000 miles. Fluids in the brake, power steering, gearbox, as well as coolant, should be replaced on a regular basis. In current automobiles, however, carmakers are extending the periods between fluid replacements.
It's also a good idea to have your technician check the thickness of your brake pads. If you have adequate notice before a brake service is necessary, you may budget for it ahead of time. Then, the next time you come in for an oil change, get it done.
Keep your car looking young
You should keep your car's exterior clean in the same way you keep the fluids in its vital systems fresh and clean. Regularly washing road salts and other environmental irritants off your paint and undercarriage will prevent corrosion and fading paint. If you want your automobile to last a long time, it should be appealing to the eye. You might also need to touch up the paint; it's cheap and, when done correctly, can prevent a paint chip from turning into a rust area.
The best thing about getting up close and personal is searching for little issues that might lead to more expensive repairs. You'll see things like cracked lenses or malfunctioning parts that, if treated early enough, may not be as serious.
Know what you are seeing and hearing
If your daily routine consists of plopping into the driver's seat in a shadowy garage at one end of your journey and rushing out of the car when you get to work, it's time to change things up. Take a walk around your vehicle. Check to see whether the lights come on when you step on the brake. You could save more than simply a ticket by recognizing an issue early on when it's still minor.
Though sight is the most critical sense for driving, hearing may be the most vital for keeping your automobile functioning. An automobile that sounds like it's about to break down will most likely do so shortly.
Anything out of the usual is what you're looking for. Is there a squeak, a bump, a bang, or a tick? Turn off the radio instead of turning it up! What is the rate of change? That is really crucial information to provide to your mechanic.
You can learn what different sounds in your car represent by using one of our DIYs.
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